An equatorial village in Lembata Island, (Lamalera -Indonesia) - youths attain their manhood by proving their skill in the island's traditional method of hunting whales and mantas, etc. When a boy turns 15, he can join a crew of ten on a wooden sailing boat to hunt for whales. Every youth's desire is to become a lamafa who catches his prey with only a single spear. When a whale or manta is caught, it is divided among the crew members. The catch is not only for themselves. The women bring the meat to the village to barter for other goods such as corn and crops. Looking for the Big Catch shows the life of the village people and youths, who know the secret for coexisting with the bounties of the sea.

Video The Ultimate Battle
Lamalera is a whaling village located on Lembata Island (INDONESIA). During the months of May through to late August is the whale hunting season for the people of Lamalera and these traditional whalers are known as Lamafa and use simple traditional tools, small row boats and hand-thrown harpoons to ply their trade during the whaling season. Whatever they catch nothing is wasted as it is either consumed or sold. Established hundreds of years past and as far back as before the intrusion of Catholic missionaries, the villagers hold traditional rituals to commemorate their ancestors and for blessings for their whale harvest.

An interesting fact is that the traditional whalers of Lamalera are forbidden from killing Blue Whales. There are several other species of whales found in the Sawu Sea but it is the Blue whale that is, some would say, sacred and untouchable.
Fry became the 10th victim of a Great White shark attack in California history. Fry had just taken a deep breath and had dove back into the water to make his descent to the sea floor when he was suddenly charged by a Great White shark and killed instantly. California 2004
On May 30, 2008, a power boat capsized near Memory Rock in the Bahamas, a popular shark baiting site (shark baiting is the practice of lowering divers into shark cages and then throwing out bait to attract sharks). Four scuba divers floated helplessly as they were encircled and harassed by a group of hungry tiger sharks. Two men and one woman drowned after the boat capsized, but Captain Jonathan Rose, whose boat was in the area, witnessed the sharks devour the entire body of at least one man. Rose was able to rescue the three bodies from the sharks, but he had to stand helplessly by as the voracious animals shredded and consumed the fourth. Since there were no survivors, it's unknown if there were potentially more divers eaten by the sharks before Rose arrived on the scene. "It was a pretty horrible".
The following attractions are very gruesome, I recommend for those who have weak heart disease not to continue viewing the pictures below

These horrific images taken from one of the Annual Festival held in Thailand. The so-called "Vegetarian Festival Bloodbath". The festival is conducted as an expression of "eating meat nasty". They believe that eating meat is the same as hurting animals. So they ate only vegetables and abstain from eating meat.
Some of them are true vegetarians (people who eat only vegetables). But most are vegetarians while, which only became a vegetarian for 9 days in a year. And conducted in conjunction with the festival.
Once again I remind you, for your diseased heart or are still under age so as not to continue viewing the following images:
A diver swims in front of the mouth of a massive whale shark in Isla Mujeres, Mexico.
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